- 累计送礼:
- 0 个
- 累计收礼:
- 0 个
TA的每日心情 | 开心 2025-2-4 02:05 |
签到天数: 110 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.6]常住居民II

- 6
- 卡币
- 10475
- OK点
- 16
- 推广点
- 0
- 同能卷
- 0
- 积分
- 13225

要怎么整啊!难道是MV 1.5版本不能用?
JAVASCRIPT 代码 - //=============================================================================
- // Kaus Ultimate Overlay
- // Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay.js
- // Version: 1.07
- // Date Created: October 31, 2015
- // Scripted By: Kaus
- //=============================================================================
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay = 1.07;
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc v1.07 Adds Overlay Images on the Map. (Ground,Parallax,Shadow,Light,Fog)
- * @author Kaus
- *
- * @param -F I L E N A M E S-
- * @default
- * @param Organized Folders
- * @desc Use different folders for each layers instead of using default folder 'parallaxes'
- * Default: false
- * @default false
- * @param Parallax Filename
- * @desc filename used for displaying Parallax Images
- * Default: par
- * @default par
- * @param Ground Filename
- * @desc filename used for displaying Ground Images
- * Default: ground
- * @default ground
- * @param Light Filename
- * @desc filename used for displaying Light Images
- * Default: light
- * @default light
- * @param Shadow Filename
- * @desc filename used for displaying Shadow Images
- * Default: shadow
- * @default shadow
- * @param -S E T T I N G S-
- * @default
- * @param Light Opacity
- * @desc Opacity that Light Images use.
- * Default:185
- * @default 185
- * @param Quick Start
- * @desc Starts the game with the switches on automatically to avoid fade in transition.
- * Default:true
- * @default true
- * @param Bind Pictures
- * @desc NOTE: Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay should be placed BELOW Galenmereth's Bind Pictures in order to work.
- * Default:false
- * @default false
- * @param Terrax Lighting
- * @desc NOTE: Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay should be placed BELOW Terrax Lighting in order to work.
- * Default:false
- * @default false
- * @param -S W I T C H E S-
- * @default
- * @param Fog Switch ID
- * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Fog
- * Default:1
- * @default 1
- * @param Light Switch ID
- * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Light
- * Default:2
- * @default 2
- * @param Parallax Switch ID
- * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Parallax
- * Default:3
- * @default 3
- * @param Shadow Switch ID
- * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Shadow
- * Default:4
- * @default 4
- *
- *@help
- * ============================================================================
- * Introduction
- * ============================================================================
- *
- * This plugin lets you add overlay images on your map.
- * You have a choice of 5 different layers on the map to put your custom images
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * Filename and Use Instructions
- * ============================================================================
- * By Default:
- * All images must be saved in img/Parallaxes Folder.
- * ground,par,shadow and light overlays must be named designated to their mapID
- * For example: display a parallax map and light in MapID:002
- * Name your files par2 and light 2 and save it in img/Parallaxes Folder
- *
- * If Parameter Option: Organized Folders is set to true
- * Create the ff. new folders:
- * (img/overlays/grounds)
- * (img/overlays/pars)
- * (img/overlays/shadows)
- * (img/overlays/lights)
- * (img/overlays/fog)
- * And all the overlay images you will use should be inside those folders
- * specific to their layer type.
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * Notetags Instructions
- * ============================================================================
- * Note: Input your notetags inside the map properties. The following notetags
- * is case sensitive and space sensitive.
- *
- * display all 3 overlays (ground,par,light)
- * display ground layer.
- * display parallax layer.
- * display light layer.
- * display shadow layer.
- * display the chosen fog.
- * (OPTIONAL) changes the blend type of fog 0:NORMAL 1:ADD
- * (OPTIONAL) makes a transition depending on value = frames.before completing opacity.
- * (OPTIONAL) moves the fog left or right (+ moves right, - moves left)
- * (OPTIONAL) moves the fog up or down (+ moves down, - moves up)
- *
- *
- * Light Layer is the highest layer and used for creating Light Effects such as Sunlight Rays, or Street Lights, etc.
- * Fog Layer is used for creating a Fog Effect in much that is moving automatically by settings. Used for Mists Clouds etc.
- * Shadow Layer is used for creating shadow effects.
- * Parallax Layer is used for adding an image in the map that will be OVER the character.
- * Ground Layer like Parallax Layer it is used for creating custom images but UNDER your characters.
- *
- *
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * Plugin Command Instructions
- * ============================================================================
- * To change the layer in current map use this Plugin Command;
- * Call Plugin Command thru event then type the following Arguments:
- *
- * Overlay layertype filename
- * for example: Overlay light light2-1
- *
- * Layer Types:
- * ground = for ground layer
- * par = for parallax layer
- * shadow = for shadow layer
- * light = for light layer
- * fog = for fog layer
- *
- * Calling a new fog has its own arguments: (blendmode and duration is optional and doesnt need to have a value)
- *
- * Arguments: Overlay fog filename opacity xMove yMove blendmode duration
- * Examples:
- * Overlay fog mist2 155 1 -0.5 //Displays 'mist2' fog in 155 Opacity that moves position x to 1 and y to -0.5 every frame.
- * Overlay fog shade 130 0 0 1 60 //Displays 'shade' fog in 130 Opacity, additive blend, doesnt move, fades in w/in 60 frames.
- *
- * 1.07 New Feature: Fog Fade Out
- * Function: Fades out the current fog displayed over the duration.
- * Arguments: Overlay fadeout duration
- * Examples: Overlay fadeout 120 //Fades out the current fog over 120 frames.
- *
- * NOTE: -Changing Layer Images DOESN'T REQUIRE notetags in the map to display BUT REQUIRES switches.
- * -DO NOT USE Overlay fadeout if you have map notetags exist in a map as it will not work and map notetags will persist
- * to display its function. USE fog switches to turn off the display of the fog completely.
- */
- (function(){
- function boolFunc(str){
- returnFunction("return " + str + " === true")();
- }
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay');
- var parallax_FN = String(parameters['Parallax Filename']);
- var ground_FN = String(parameters['Ground Filename']);
- var light_FN = String(parameters['Light Filename']);
- var shadow_FN = String(parameters['Shadow Filename']);
- var light_OP = Number(parameters['Light Opacity']);
- var fogSwitch = Number(parameters['Fog Switch ID']);
- var lightSwitch = Number(parameters['Light Switch ID']);
- var parSwitch = Number(parameters['Parallax Switch ID']);
- var shadowSwitch = Number(parameters['Shadow Switch ID']);
- var startSwitch = boolFunc(parameters['Quick Start']);
- var useBindPictures = boolFunc(parameters['Bind Pictures']);
- var useTerrax = boolFunc(parameters['Terrax Lighting'])
- var useFolder = boolFunc(parameters['Organized Folders'])
- var overlayType = "";
- var overlayName = "";
- var overlayOpacity = 0;
- var overlayxMove = 0;
- var overlayyMove = 0;
- var overlayDuration;
- var overlayBlend = 0;
- var overlayFadeOut = false;
- var fogFadeOut;
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer = function(){
- Spriteset_Base.prototype.createLowerLayer.call(this);
- overlayType = "";
- overlayName = "";
- overlayOpacity = 0;
- overlayxMove = 0;
- overlayyMove = 0;
- overlayBlend = 0;
- overlayFadeOut = false;
- overlayDuration;
- fogFadeOut;
- map = $dataMap;
- if(startSwitch==true){
- $gameSwitches.setValue(parSwitch,true);
- $gameSwitches.setValue(lightSwitch,true);
- $gameSwitches.setValue(fogSwitch,true);
- $gameSwitches.setValue(shadowSwitch,true);
- }
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('bottom', this._baseSprite);
- this.createParallax();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('below_tilemap', this._baseSprite);
- this.createTilemap();
- this.createGroundMap();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('below_characters', this._tilemap);
- this.createCharacters();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('above_characters', this);
- this.createParMap();
- this.createShadowMap();
- this.createFogMap();
- this.createLightMap();
- this.createShadow();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('below_weather', this._tilemap, 8);
- this.createWeather();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.createPicturesLayer('top', this);
- if(useTerrax==true)this.createLightmask();
- this.createDestination();
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function(){
- Spriteset_Base.prototype.update.call(this);
- this.updateTileset();
- this.updateGroundMap();
- this.updateParallax();
- this.updateParMap();
- this.updateShadowMap();
- this.updateFogMap();
- this.updateLightMap();
- this.updateTilemap();
- this.updateShadow();
- this.updateWeather();
- if(useBindPictures==true)this.updatePictures();
- };
- //==================== G R O U N D M A P ======================
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createGroundMap = function(){
- this._groundMap = new TilingSprite();
- if(map.meta.ground || map.meta.all){
- if(useFolder)this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/grounds/',ground_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- elsethis._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(ground_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- };
- this._groundMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- this._groundMap.z = 1;
- this._tilemap.addChild(this._groundMap);
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateGroundMap = function(){
- this._groundMap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
- this._groundMap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
- //Plugin Command Update
- if(overlayType=="ground"){
- if(useFolder)this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/grounds/',overlayName);
- elsethis._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
- }
- };
- //======================= P A R M A P =========================
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createParMap = function(){
- this._parMap = new TilingSprite();
- if(map.meta.par || map.meta.all){
- if(useFolder)this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/pars/',parallax_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- elsethis._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(parallax_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- };
- this._parMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- this._parMap.z = 20
- this._tilemap.addChild(this._parMap);
- if($gameSwitches.value(parSwitch)== true)
- this._parMap.opacity = 255;
- else
- this._parMap.opacity = 0;
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParMap = function(){
- this._parMap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
- this._parMap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
- //Switch Checking
- if($gameSwitches.value(parSwitch)== true){
- if(this._parMap.opacity < 255)this._parMap.opacity += 10; }
- else
- if(this._parMap.opacity!=0)this._parMap.opacity -= 10;
- //Plugin Command Update
- if(overlayType=="par"){
- if(useFolder)this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/pars/',overlayName);
- elsethis._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
- };
- };
- //======================= S H A D O W M A P =========================
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createShadowMap = function(){
- this._shadowMap = new TilingSprite();
- if(map.meta.shadow || map.meta.all){
- if(useFolder)this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/shadows/',shadow_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- elsethis._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(shadow_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- }
- this._shadowMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- this._shadowMap.z = 21
- this._tilemap.addChild(this._shadowMap);
- if($gameSwitches.value(shadowSwitch)== true)
- this._shadowMap.opacity = 255;
- else
- this._shadowMap.opacity = 0;
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateShadowMap = function(){
- this._shadowMap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
- this._shadowMap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
- //Switch Checking
- if($gameSwitches.value(shadowSwitch)== true){
- if(this._shadowMap.opacity < 255)this._shadowMap.opacity += 10; }
- else
- if(this._shadowMap.opacity!=0)this._shadowMap.opacity -= 10;
- //Plugin Command Update
- if(overlayType=="shadow"){
- if(useFolder)this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/shadows/',overlayName);
- elsethis._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
- };
- };
- //===================== L I G H T M A P =======================
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLightMap = function(){
- map = $dataMap;
- this._lightMap = new TilingSprite();
- if(map.meta.light || map.meta.all){
- if(useFolder)this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/lights/',light_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- elsethis._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(light_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
- };
- this._lightMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- this._lightMap.blendMode = 1;
- this._lightMap.z = 23;
- this._tilemap.addChild(this._lightMap);
- if($gameSwitches.value(lightSwitch)== true)
- this._lightMap.opacity = light_OP;
- else
- this._lightMap.opacity = 0;
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateLightMap = function(){
- this._lightMap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
- this._lightMap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
- //Switch Checking
- if($gameSwitches.value(lightSwitch)== true){
- if(this._lightMap.opacity < light_OP)this._lightMap.opacity += 1; }
- else
- if(this._lightMap.opacity!=0)this._lightMap.opacity -= 1;
- //Plugin Command Update
- if(overlayType=="light"){
- if(useFolder)this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/lights/',overlayName);
- elsethis._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
- };
- };
- //======================= F O G M A P ==========================
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.createFogMap = function(){
- map = $dataMap;
- this._fogMap = new TilingSprite();
- if(map.meta.fogName){
- if(useFolder)this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/fogs/',map.meta.fogName);
- elsethis._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(map.meta.fogName);
- };
- this._fogMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- this._fogMap.blendMode = Number(map.meta.fogBlend) || 0;
- this._fogMap.opacity = 0;
- this._fogMap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
- this._fogMap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
- this._fogMap.z = 22;
- newX = 0;
- newY = 0;
- this._tilemap.addChild(this._fogMap);
- };
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateFogMap = function(){
- map = $dataMap;
- if(overlayBlend!=0)this._fogMap.blendMode = 1;
- if(overlayxMove!=0){ newX += Number(overlayxMove); }
- else newX += Number(map.meta.xMove) || 0;
- if(overlayyMove!=0){ newY += Number(overlayyMove); }
- else newY += Number(map.meta.yMove) || 0;
- if(newX!=0)this._fogMap.origin.x = ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth()) - newX;
- elsethis._fogMap.origin.x = ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth());
- if(newY!=0)this._fogMap.origin.y = ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight()) - newY;
- elsethis._fogMap.origin.y = ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight());
- //Switch Checking
- if($gameSwitches.value(fogSwitch)== true){
- if(overlayOpacity!=0){//if plugin call opacity exist
- defOpacity = Number(overlayOpacity); }
- else{//if not
- defOpacity = Number(map.meta.fogOpacity); }
- if(overlayDuration){//if plugin call duration exist
- fogDuration = overlayDuration; }
- else{//if not
- fogDuration = Number(map.meta.fogDuration) || 1 ; }
- fogTransition = defOpacity / fogDuration;
- }
- elseif(this._fogMap.opacity!=0)this._fogMap.opacity -= 10;
- // Transition Effect
- if(overlayFadeOut){// Fade Out
- fogTransition = defOpacity / fogFadeOut;
- if(this._fogMap.opacity!=0)this._fogMap.opacity -= fogTransition;
- elseif(this._fogMap.opacity==0){//reset variables if opacity is 0
- overlayFadeOut = false;
- overlayOpacity = 0;
- }
- }
- elseif(this._fogMap.opacity < defOpacity){//Fade In
- this._fogMap.opacity += fogTransition;
- }
- //Plugin Command Update
- if(overlayType=="fog"){
- if(useFolder)this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/fogs/',overlayName);
- elsethis._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
- };
- };
- //====================P L U G I N C O M M A N D==================
- var _GameInterpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args){
- _GameInterpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
- if(command == "Overlay"){
- if(args[0] == "fog"){//Fog Call
- if(args[1]){//filename
- if(args[2]){//opacity
- if(args[3]){//xMove
- if(args[4]){//yMove
- overlayType = args[0];
- overlayName = args[1];
- overlayOpacity = args[2];
- overlayxMove = args[3];
- overlayyMove = args[4];
- if(args[5]) overlayBlend = args[5]; //fogBlend
- if(args[6]) overlayDuration = args[6]; //fogDuration
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }elseif(args[0] == "fadeout"){//fog fadeout
- if(args[1]){
- overlayFadeOut = true;
- fogFadeOut = args[1]; //fadeout duration
- }
- }
- elseif(args[0]){//layer type
- if(args[1]){//filename
- overlayType = args[0];
- overlayName = args[1];
- }
- }
- }//Command Overlay End
- };
- })();
本帖来自P1论坛作者雷影,因Project1站服务器在国外有时候访问缓慢不方便作者交流学习,经联系P1站长fux2同意署名转载一起分享游戏制作经验,共同为国内独立游戏作者共同创造良好交流环境,原文地址: https://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=409658 若有侵权,发帖作者可联系底部站长QQ在线咨询功能删除,谢谢。 |
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