- 累计送礼:
- 0 个
- 累计收礼:
- 0 个
TA的每日心情 | 开心 2025-2-4 02:05 |
签到天数: 110 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.6]常住居民II

- 6
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- 积分
- 13220

SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly这个插件其他的都正常,但是战斗经验会结算两次,这就很尴尬了,一是提示技能满的时候结算了一次,二是删除技能时又结算一次,请高手帮忙看看怎么回事?JAVASCRIPT 代码 - /*:
- * @plugindesc Pokemon Plugin: Restricts the maximum amount of skills an Actor can learn to 4.
- * @author SumRndmDde
- *
- * @param == Forget Window ==
- * @default
- *
- * @param Max Columns
- * @desc This will be the maximum amount of columns in the Skill Forget Window's list of Skills.
- * @default 1
- *
- * @param Spacing
- * @desc This will be the spacing of the choices in the Skill Forget Window's list of Skills.
- * @default 48
- *
- * @param Message Background
- * @desc This is the message background used for Show Text alerts.
- * '0' = normal, '1' = dim, '2' = none
- * @default 0
- *
- * @param == Alert Lines ==
- * @default
- *
- * @param Alert Line 1
- * @desc The first line for the alert dialogue when an Actor has learned too many Skills. \actor = Specific Actor Name
- * @default \actor has too many moves!
- *
- * @param Alert Line 2
- * @desc The second line for the alert dialogue when an Actor has learned too many Skills. \actor = Specific Actor Name
- * @default \!Please select one to remove.
- *
- * @param Alert Line 3
- * @desc The third line for the alert dialogue when an Actor has learned too many Skills. \actor = Specific Actor Name
- * @default
- *
- * @param Alert Line 4
- * @desc The fourth line for the alert dialogue when an Actor has learned too many Skills. \actor = Specific Actor Name
- * @default
- *
- * @param == End Lines ==
- * @default
- *
- * @param End Line 1
- * @desc The first line for the forgotten Skill dialogue.
- * \actor = Actor Name \skill = Forgoten Skill Name
- * @default 1\..\..\..2\..\..\..and poof!
- *
- * @param End Line 2
- * @desc The second line for the forgotten Skill dialogue.
- * \actor = Actor Name \skill = Forgoten Skill Name
- * @default \!\actor has forgotten \skill!
- *
- * @param End Line 3
- * @desc The third line for the forgotten Skill dialogue.
- * \actor = Actor Name \skill = Forgoten Skill Name
- * @default
- *
- * @param End Line 4
- * @desc The fourth line for the forgotten Skill dialogue.
- * \actor = Actor Name \skill = Forgoten Skill Name
- * @default
- *
- * @help
- *
- *
- *
- * Pokemon 4 Moves Only
- * Version 1.00
- * SumRndmDde
- *
- *
- * The name says it all.
- * This is a Plugin that restricts the maximum amount of Skills an Actor
- * can learn to 4.
- *
- * If the actor learns more than 4, then a screen will display, and the
- * Actor must select one Skill to delete.
- *
- * This is based off of the system used in Pokemon.
- *
- * Other things you may want to note are:
- * - When initializing Actors, they're given their 4 most recent Skills
- * - This Plugin does not affect Enemies
- * - You can manipulate the dialogue surrounding the Skill deletion
- * - You can set certain Skills to be un-deleteable
- * - An Actor's most recently learned Skill can always be deleted
- *
- * If you wish to implement a system to delete un-deleteable Skills,
- * use the extension Plugin: SRD_PKM_MoveDeleter
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * How to Use
- * ==========================================================================
- *
- * This Plugin is plug-in and play for the most part.
- *
- * However, there are a few things you may wish to customize:
- *
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * Parameters
- * ==========================================================================
- *
- * You can manipulate the Parameters to change how the Skill Deletion
- * choices look, along with the dialogue used to inform the Player a Skill
- * must be deleted.
- *
- * Change "Message Background" to change the dialogue background to
- * normal, dim, etc.
- *
- * For the "Alert Lines" and the "End Lines", each line referes to a line
- * on the Show Text event that is displayed.
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * Skill Notetags
- * ==========================================================================
- *
- *
- *
- * If you input this Notetag into a Skill's notebox, then that Skill cannot
- * be deleted during the Skill deletion process.
- *
- * There are two exceptions:
- * - If the Skill is the 5th Skill to be learned, then it will ALWAYS be
- * deleteable.
- * - If you use the SRD_PKM_MoveDeleter extension Plugin, then you can
- * call upon a screen to force any Actor to delete any Skill.
- *
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * End of Help File
- * ==========================================================================
- *
- * Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.
- *
- *
- * Thanks for reading!
- * If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
- * out my YouTube channel!
- *
- * [url]https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde[/url]
- *
- *
- * Until next time,
- * ~ SumRndmDde
- */
- //Ugh, I think I'm gonna have to start actually making this
- //an extendable Plugin or somethin... :/
- var SRD = SRD || {};
- SRD.PKM = SRD.PKM || {};
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly = {};
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly = true;
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.maxColumns = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly')['Max Columns']);
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.spacing = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly')['Spacing']);
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.background = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly')['Message Background']);
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLinesCount = 4;
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLines = [];
- for(var i = 1; i 4){
- if($gameParty.forgetSkillReadyActorId() === 0){
- var lines = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLinesCount; i++){
- lines[i] = SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLines[i].replace(/\\actor/im, this._name);
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLinesCount; i++){
- if(lines[i].trim().length > 0){
- $gameMessage.setBackground(SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.background);
- $gameMessage.add(lines[i]);
- }
- }
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReady(1);
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReadyActorId(this._actorId);
- }else{
- $gameParty.addForgetSkillReadyActorIds(this._actorId);
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Party
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly._Game_Party_initialize = Game_Party.prototype.initialize;
- Game_Party.prototype.initialize = function(){
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly._Game_Party_initialize.call(this);
- this._skillForgetReady = 0;
- this._skillForgetReadyActorId = 0;
- this._skillForgetReadyActorIds = [];
- this._canRemoveHMMoves = false;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.forgetSkillReady = function(){
- returnthis._skillForgetReady;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.forgetSkillReadyActorId = function(){
- returnthis._skillForgetReadyActorId;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.setForgetSkillReady = function(isReady){
- this._skillForgetReady = isReady;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.getForgetSkillReady = function(){
- returnthis._skillForgetReady;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.setForgetSkillReadyActorId = function(actorId){
- this._skillForgetReadyActorId = actorId;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.addForgetSkillReadyActorIds = function(actorId){
- this._skillForgetReadyActorIds.push(actorId);
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.getNextForgetSkillReadyActorId = function(){
- var result = this._skillForgetReadyActorIds[0];
- this._skillForgetReadyActorIds.splice(0, 1);
- return result;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.checkForgetSkillReadyActorId = function(){
- returnthis._skillForgetReadyActorIds.length !== 0;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.canRemoveHMMoves = function(){
- returnthis._canRemoveHMMoves;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.setCanRemoveHMMoves = function(canHM){
- this._canRemoveHMMoves = canHM;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Scene_Base
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly._Scene_Base_update = Scene_Base.prototype.update;
- Scene_Base.prototype.update = function(){
- SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly._Scene_Base_update.call(this);
- if($gameParty.forgetSkillReady() > 0 && !$gameMessage.isBusy()){
- if($gameParty.forgetSkillReady() === 1){
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReady(0);
- SceneManager.push(Scene_ForgetSkill);
- }
- if($gameParty.forgetSkillReady() === 2){
- $gameMessage.clear();
- var id = $gameParty.getNextForgetSkillReadyActorId();
- var actor = $gameActors.actor(id);
- var lines = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLinesCount; i++){
- lines[i] = SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLines[i].replace(/\\actor/im, actor.name());
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.alertLinesCount; i++){
- if(lines[i].trim().length > 0){
- $gameMessage.setBackground(SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.background);
- $gameMessage.add(lines[i]);
- }
- }
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReady(1);
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReadyActorId(actor.actorId());
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Scene_ForgetSkill
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Scene_ForgetSkill(){
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype = Object.create(Scene_ItemBase.prototype);
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.constructor = Scene_ForgetSkill;
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.initialize = function(){
- Scene_ItemBase.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.create = function(){
- Scene_ItemBase.prototype.create.call(this);
- this.createStatusWindow2();
- this.createHelpWindow();
- this.createStatusWindow();
- this.createItemWindow();
- this.refreshActor();
- this.commandSkill();
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.createStatusWindow2 = function(){
- this._statusWindow2 = new Window_ForgetSkillStatus2(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, 70);
- this.addWindow(this._statusWindow2);
- this._statusWindow2.refresh();
- }
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.createHelpWindow = function(){
- this._helpWindow = new Window_Help();
- this._helpWindow.y = this._statusWindow2.y + this._statusWindow2.height;
- this.addWindow(this._helpWindow);
- }
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.createStatusWindow = function(){
- var wx = 0;
- var wy = this._helpWindow.y + this._helpWindow.height;
- var ww = Graphics.boxWidth - wx;
- var wh = 70;
- this._statusWindow = new Window_ForgetSkillStatus(wx, wy, ww, wh);
- this.addWindow(this._statusWindow);
- this._statusWindow.refresh();
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.createItemWindow = function(){
- var wx = 0;
- var wy = this._statusWindow.y + this._statusWindow.height;
- var ww = Graphics.boxWidth;
- var wh = Graphics.boxHeight - wy;
- this._itemWindow = new Window_ForgetSkillList(wx, wy, ww, wh);
- this._itemWindow.setHelpWindow(this._helpWindow);
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onItemOk.bind(this));
- if($gameParty.canRemoveHMMoves()){
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onItemCancel.bind(this));
- }
- this.addWindow(this._itemWindow);
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.actor = function(){
- return $gameActors.actor($gameParty.forgetSkillReadyActorId());
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.user = function(){
- returnthis.actor();
- };
- Scene_Skill.prototype.playSeForItem = function(){
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.refreshActor = function(){
- var actor = this.actor();
- this._statusWindow.setActor(actor);
- this._itemWindow.setActor(actor);
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.commandSkill = function(){
- this._itemWindow.activate();
- this._itemWindow.selectLast();
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.onItemOk = function(){
- this.actor().forgetSkill(this.item().id);
- varname = this.actor().name();
- var itemName = this.item().name;
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReadyActorId(0);
- $gameParty.setCanRemoveHMMoves(false);
- this.popScene();
- var lines = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.endLinesCount; i++){
- lines[i] = SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.endLines[i].replace(/\\actor/im, name);
- lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/\\skill/im, itemName);
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.endLinesCount; i++){
- if(lines[i].trim().length > 0){
- $gameMessage.setBackground(SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.background);
- $gameMessage.add(lines[i]);
- }
- }
- if($gameParty.checkForgetSkillReadyActorId()){
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReady(2);
- }
- };
- Scene_ForgetSkill.prototype.onItemCancel = function(){
- $gameParty.setForgetSkillReadyActorId(0);
- $gameParty.setCanRemoveHMMoves(false);
- this.popScene();
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_ForgetSkillList
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Window_ForgetSkillList(){
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype = Object.create(Window_SkillList.prototype);
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.constructor = Window_ForgetSkillList;
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height){
- Window_SkillList.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
- this._actor = null;
- this._data = [];
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.setActor = function(actor){
- if(this._actor !== actor){
- this._actor = actor;
- this.refresh();
- this.resetScroll();
- }
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.maxCols = function(){
- return SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.maxColumns;
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.spacing = function(){
- return SRD.PKM.FourMovesOnly.spacing;
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.maxItems = function(){
- returnthis._data ? this._data.length : 1;
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.item = function(){
- returnthis._data && this.index() >= 0 ? this._data[this.index()] : null;
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.isCurrentItemEnabled = function(){
- returnthis.isEnabled(this._data[this.index()]);
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.isEnabled = function(item){
- return !item.pkm_cannotDelete || item.id === this._actor.mostRecentSkillId() || $gameParty.canRemoveHMMoves();
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.makeItemList = function(){
- if(this._actor){
- this._data = this._actor.skills();
- }else{
- this._data = [];
- }
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.selectLast = function(){
- this.select(0);
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.updateHelp = function(){
- this.setHelpWindowItem(this.item());
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillList.prototype.refresh = function(){
- this.makeItemList();
- this.createContents();
- this.drawAllItems();
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_ForgetSkillStatus
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Window_ForgetSkillStatus(){
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus.prototype.constructor = Window_ForgetSkillStatus;
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height){
- Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
- this._actor = null;
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus.prototype.setActor = function(actor){
- if(this._actor !== actor){
- this._actor = actor;
- this.refresh();
- }
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus.prototype.refresh = function(){
- this.contents.clear();
- if(this._actor){
- var x = 0;
- var x2 = x + 280;
- var x3 = x2 + 280;
- var y = 0;
- var actor = this._actor;
- this.drawActorName(actor, x, y);
- this.drawActorLevel(actor, x2, y);
- this.drawActorClass(actor, x3, y);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_ForgetSkillStatus2
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Window_ForgetSkillStatus2(){
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus2.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus2.prototype.constructor = Window_ForgetSkillStatus;
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus2.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height){
- Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
- };
- Window_ForgetSkillStatus2.prototype.refresh = function(){
- this.contents.clear();
- this.drawText("请您选择一招武功废掉。。。。", 0, 0, (Graphics.boxWidth), 'center');
- };
本帖来自P1论坛作者燃烧绳命,因Project1站服务器在国外有时候访问缓慢不方便作者交流学习,经联系P1站长fux2同意署名转载一起分享游戏制作经验,共同为国内独立游戏作者共同创造良好交流环境,原文地址: https://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=396257 若有侵权,发帖作者可联系底部站长QQ在线咨询功能删除,谢谢。 |