- 累计送礼:
- 0 个
- 累计收礼:
- 0 个
TA的每日心情 | 开心 2025-2-4 02:05 |
签到天数: 110 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.6]常住居民II

- 6
- 卡币
- 10465
- OK点
- 16
- 推广点
- 0
- 同能卷
- 0
- 积分
- 13215

JAVASCRIPT 代码 - //=============================================================================
- // AnimatedSVEnemies.js
- // Version: 1.1 - Live and Reloaded
- //=============================================================================
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.AnimatedSVEnemies = true;
- var Rexal = Rexal || {};
- Rexal.ASVE = Rexal.ASVE || {};
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Version: 1.1 - Live and Reloaded
- * - Lets enemies be animated!
- * @author Rexal
- *
- * @param No Movement
- * @desc Prevents enemies from moving whenever they perform an action.
- * @default false
- * @param Enemies Celebrate
- * @desc Enemies will celebrate over your demise.
- * @default true
- * @param SV Enemies Collapse
- * @desc All SV Enemies will collapse after death.
- * @default false
- * @param Static Enemies Breathe
- * @desc Static Enemies have a breathing effect
- * @default true
- * @param AGI Effects Breathing
- * @desc Static Enemies with a higher AGI stat will breathe faster.
- * @default true
- * @param Scale Statics by Distance
- * @desc Static Enemies will be smaller the further away they are in the background
- * @default true
- * @help
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notetags
- ================================================================================
- ---------------------------[Side View Battlers]---------------------------------
- [SV Animated]
- - Sets the enemy to use the an SV battler.
- [Collapse]
- - Lets the SV Enemy use collapse animations regardless of parameter settings.
- [No Collapse]
- - Prevents the SV Enemy from using collapse animations regardless of parameter settings.
- SV Motion: motion
- - Sets the enemy to use this motion when attacking. If you don't know what motions
- you can use, refer to the motion list at the bottom of the help section.
- SV Weapon: id
- - "Equips" the enemy with this weapon.
- Ex: SV Weapon: 1
- ----------------------------[Static Battlers]---------------------------------
- [Breathless]
- -This enemy doesn't breathe. Useful for golems and evil walls.
- [Float]
- -Makes enemies have a floating effect similar to rm2k3's.
- Breath Control: speedScale,xScale,yScale
- -Sets the speed of the sine wave and how many times the size of the sprite it's
- allowed to go width-wise and height-wise.
- You'll have to play around with the values a bit until it looks right. The
- example below is the default settings.
- Ex: Breath Control: 50,5,25
- -----------------------------------[Both]---------------------------------------
- Enemy Scale: amount
- multiplies the size of the enemy by this amount.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version Log
- ================================================================================
- v1 - Initial Version
- v1.05 - Many fixes
- - Fixed issue with enemies not playing the right animations when more than one
- enemy is on the screen.
- - Misc. Fixes that I've forgotten about.
- - Added SV Weapon, which lets you play a weapon animation(currently backwards).
- This is not yet compatible with my other script: Sprite Weapons Enhanced.
- - Added a param that stops enemies from moving.
- v1.075 - Deep breaths
- - Static enemies breathe now!
- - Added a bunch of stuff to control the breathing. (notetags do not work!)
- v1.08 - Fixed Breathing
- - The breathing notetags work now! Yay!
- - Added [Float]
- v1.1 - Live and Reloaded
- -Breathing slows down the less hp an enemy has. (orignally they just breathed less)
- - Added an option that lets enemies scale down the further into the background they are.
- - Fixed the weapons!
- - Enemies can celebrate your demise.
- - Fixed the Flash Target bug.
- - SV Enemies can collapse.
- - SV Enemies will properly appear
- - Enemies have a proper escape animation.
- - Enemies are now properly positioned.
- - You can now scale the enemies however you want.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Motion List
- ================================================================================
- walk - Ready Animation
- wait - The Idle Animation
- chant - Magic Ready animation
- guard - The Guard Animation
- damage - Damage Animation
- evade - Miss! Animation
- thrust - Stabbing Animation
- swing - Swinging Animation
- missile - Shooting Animation
- skill - Physical Skill Use Animation
- spell - Magical Skill Use Animation
- item - Item Use Animation
- escape - Escape Animation
- victory - Victory Animation
- dying - The "Danger" Animation
- abnormal - The State Affected Animation
- sleep - The Sleeping Animation
- dead - The Dead Animation
- */
- Rexal.ASVE.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('animatedSVEnemies');
- Rexal.ASVE.NoMovement = eval(String(Rexal.ASVE.Parameters['No Movement']));
- Rexal.ASVE.Breathe = eval(String(Rexal.ASVE.Parameters['Static Enemies Breathe']));
- Rexal.ASVE.AGIB = eval(String(Rexal.ASVE.Parameters['AGI Effects Breathing']));
- Rexal.ASVE.Celebration = eval(String(Rexal.ASVE.Parameters['Enemies Celebrate']));
- Rexal.ASVE.DoCollapse = eval(String(Rexal.ASVE.Parameters['SV Enemies Collapse']));
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // BattleManager
- //=============================================================================
- if(Rexal.ASVE.Celebration)
- {
- BattleManager.processDefeat = function(){
- if(Rexal.ASVE.Celebration)$gameTroop.performVictory();
- this.displayDefeatMessage();
- this.playDefeatMe();
- if(this._canLose){
- this.replayBgmAndBgs();
- }else{
- AudioManager.stopBgm();
- }
- this.endBattle(2);
- };
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Enemy
- //=============================================================================
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performAttack = function(){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag( $dataEnemies[this._enemyId]);
- if(Rexal.ASVE._weaponID == 0){this.requestMotion(Rexal.ASVE._motion);
- return;
- }
- var weapon = $dataWeapons[Rexal.ASVE._weaponID];
- var wtypeId = weapon.wtypeId;
- var attackMotion = $dataSystem.attackMotions[wtypeId];
- if(attackMotion){
- if(attackMotion.type === 0){
- this.requestMotion('thrust');
- }elseif(attackMotion.type === 1){
- this.requestMotion('swing');
- }elseif(attackMotion.type === 2){
- this.requestMotion('missile');
- }
- this.startWeaponAnimation(attackMotion.weaponImageId);
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performAction = function(action){
- Game_Battler.prototype.performAction.call(this, action);
- if(action.isAttack()){
- this.performAttack();
- }elseif(action.isGuard()){
- this.requestMotion('guard');
- }elseif(action.isMagicSkill()){
- this.requestMotion('spell');
- }elseif(action.isSkill()){
- this.requestMotion('skill');
- }elseif(action.isItem()){
- this.requestMotion('item');
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performDamage = function(){
- Game_Battler.prototype.performDamage.call(this);
- if(this.isSpriteVisible()){
- this.requestMotion('damage');
- }else{
- $gameScreen.startShake(5, 5, 10);
- }
- SoundManager.playActorDamage();
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performEvasion = function(){
- Game_Battler.prototype.performEvasion.call(this);
- this.requestMotion('evade');
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performMagicEvasion = function(){
- Game_Battler.prototype.performMagicEvasion.call(this);
- this.requestMotion('evade');
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performCounter = function(){
- Game_Battler.prototype.performCounter.call(this);
- this.performAttack();
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performVictory = function(){
- if(this.canMove()){
- this.requestMotion('victory');
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.makeActions = function(){
- Game_Battler.prototype.makeActions.call(this);
- if(this.numActions() > 0){
- var actionList = this.enemy().actions.filter(function(a){
- returnthis.isActionValid(a);
- }, this);
- if(actionList.length > 0){
- this.selectAllActions(actionList);
- }
- }
- this.setActionState('undecided');
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.performEscape = function(){
- if(this.canMove()){
- this.requestMotion('escape');
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.attackAnimationId = function(){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag($dataEnemies[this.enemyId()]);
- if(Rexal.ASVE._weaponID!=0) return $dataWeapons[Rexal.ASVE._weaponID].animationId;
- else
- return1;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Troop
- //=============================================================================
- Game_Troop.prototype.performVictory = function(){
- this.members().forEach(function(enemy){
- enemy.performVictory();
- });
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sprite_Enemy
- //=============================================================================
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setBattler = function(battler){
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler.call(this, battler);
- this._enemy = battler;
- this.setHome(battler.screenX(), battler.screenY());
- this._stateIconSprite.setup(battler);
- };
- if(Rexal.ASVE.Breathe)
- {
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateBitmap = function(){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag(this._enemy.enemy());
- if(!Rexal.ASVE._noBreath){
- var a = 1;
- if(Rexal.ASVE.AGIB) a = this._enemy.agi/100+1;
- var breathS = Rexal.ASVE._breathScale/1000;
- breathS *= (this._enemy.hp/this._enemy.mhp)+.1;
- var breathY = Math.cos(Graphics.frameCount*breathS*a)*(Rexal.ASVE._breathY/1000);
- var breathX = Math.cos(Graphics.frameCount*breathS)*(Rexal.ASVE._breathX/1000);
- breathY *= (this._enemy.hp/this._enemy.mhp);
- var ss = Graphics.boxHeight/624+.5;
- var s = ss*(this._homeY/Graphics.boxHeight)*Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- this.scale.y = s+breathY;
- this.scale.x = s+breathX;
- }
- if(Rexal.ASVE._float && !this.isBusy)
- {
- this.setHome(this._enemy.screenX(),this.y-Math.sin(Graphics.frameCount/50)/4);
- }
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this);
- varname = this._enemy.battlerName();
- var hue = this._enemy.battlerHue();
- if(this._battlerName !== name || this._battlerHue !== hue){
- this._battlerName = name;
- this._battlerHue = hue;
- this.loadBitmap(name, hue);
- this.initVisibility();
- }
- };
- }
- else{
- if(Rexal.ASVE._float && !this.isBusy)
- {
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateBitmap = function(){
- this.setHome(this._enemy.screenX(),this.y-Math.sin(Graphics.frameCount/50)/4);
- var ss = Graphics.boxHeight/624+.5;
- var s = ss*(this._homeY/Graphics.boxHeight)*Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- this.scale.y = s;
- this.scale.x = s;
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this);
- varname = this._enemy.battlerName();
- var hue = this._enemy.battlerHue();
- if(this._battlerName !== name || this._battlerHue !== hue){
- this._battlerName = name;
- this._battlerHue = hue;
- this.loadBitmap(name, hue);
- this.initVisibility();
- }
- };
- }
- }
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.stepForward = function(){
- if(!Rexal.ASVE.NoMovement)this.startMove(48, 0, 12);
- };
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setHome = function(x,y){
- var dX = Graphics.boxWidth/816;
- var dY = Graphics.boxHeight/624;
- x*= dX;
- if(!Rexal.ASVE._float)y*= dY;
- this._homeX = x;
- this._homeY = y + (Graphics.boxHeight - 624);
- this.updatePosition();
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sprite_EnemyRex
- //=============================================================================
- function Sprite_EnemyRex(){
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Actor.prototype);
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.constructor = Sprite_EnemyRex;
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.createWeaponSprite = function(){
- this._weaponSprite = new Sprite_Weapon();
- this.addChild(this._weaponSprite);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateSelectionEffect = function(){
- var target = this._effectTarget;
- if(this._battler.isSelected()){
- this._selectionEffectCount++;
- if(this._selectionEffectCount % 30 < 15){
- target.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, 64]);
- }else{
- target.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]);
- }
- }elseif(this._selectionEffectCount > 0){
- this._selectionEffectCount = 0;
- target.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]);
- }
- }
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Actor.prototype);
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.constructor = Sprite_EnemyRex;
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.initialize = function(battler){
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize.call(this, battler);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.loadBitmap = function(name, hue){
- if($gameSystem.isSideView()){
- this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(name,hue);
- }else{
- this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadEnemy(name, hue);
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.setBattler = function(battler){
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler.call(this, battler);
- var changed = (battler !== this._actor);
- if(changed){
- this._actor = battler;
- if(battler){
- this.setActorHome(battler);
- }
- this.startEntryMotion();
- this._stateSprite.setup(battler);
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateBitmap = function(){
- this.updateEffect();
- Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this);
- var hue = this._actor.battlerHue();
- varname = this._actor.battlerName();
- if(this._battlerName !== name){
- this._battlerName = name;
- this._mainSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(name,hue);
- this._mainSprite.scale.x = -Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- this._mainSprite.scale.y = Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.setupWeaponAnimation = function(){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag($dataEnemies[this._actor._enemyId]);
- if(this._actor.isWeaponAnimationRequested()){
- this._weaponSprite.setup($dataWeapons[Rexal.ASVE._weaponID].wtypeId);
- this._weaponSprite.scale.x = -Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- this._weaponSprite.scale.y = Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale;
- this._weaponSprite.x = 16;
- this._actor.clearWeaponAnimation();
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.setActorHome = function(battler){
- var dX = Graphics.boxWidth/816;
- var dY = Graphics.boxHeight/624;
- var x = battler.screenX();
- var y = battler.screenY();
- this._homeX = x;
- this._homeY = y + (Graphics.boxHeight - 624);
- this.updatePosition();
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.damageOffsetX = function(){
- return32;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.stepForward = function(){
- if(!Rexal.ASVE.NoMovement)this.startMove(48, 0, 12);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.stepBack = function(){
- if(!Rexal.ASVE.NoMovement)this.startMove(0, 0, 12);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.retreat = function(){
- this.startMove(300, 0, 30);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.initVisibility = function(){
- this._appeared = this._actor.isAlive();
- if(!this._appeared){
- this.opacity = 0;
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.setupEffect = function(){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag(this._actor.enemy());
- if(this._appeared && this._actor.isEffectRequested()){
- this.startEffect(this._actor.effectType());
- this._actor.clearEffect();
- }
- if(!this._appeared && this._actor.isAlive()){
- this.startEffect('appear');
- }elseif(this._appeared && this._actor.isHidden()){
- this.startEffect('disappear');
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startEffect = function(effectType){
- this._effectType = effectType;
- switch(this._effectType){
- case'appear':
- this.startAppear();
- break;
- case'disappear':
- this.startDisappear();
- break;
- case'whiten':
- this.startWhiten();
- break;
- case'blink':
- this.startBlink();
- break;
- case'collapse':
- if(Rexal.ASVE._collapse) this.startCollapse();
- break;
- case'bossCollapse':
- this.startBossCollapse();
- break;
- case'instantCollapse':
- this.startInstantCollapse();
- break;
- }
- this.revertToNormal();
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startAppear = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 16;
- this._appeared = true;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startDisappear = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 32;
- this._appeared = false;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startWhiten = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 16;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startBlink = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 20;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startCollapse = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 32;
- this._appeared = false;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startBossCollapse = function(){
- this._effectDuration = this._mainSprite.height;
- this._appeared = false;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.startInstantCollapse = function(){
- this._effectDuration = 16;
- this._appeared = false;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateEffect = function(){
- this.setupEffect();
- if(this._effectDuration > 0){
- this._effectDuration--;
- switch(this._effectType){
- case'whiten':
- this.updateWhiten();
- break;
- case'blink':
- this.updateBlink();
- break;
- case'appear':
- this.updateAppear();
- break;
- case'disappear':
- this.updateDisappear();
- break;
- case'collapse':
- if(Rexal.ASVE._collapse) this.updateCollapse();
- break;
- case'bossCollapse':
- if(Rexal.ASVE._collapse) this.updateBossCollapse();
- break;
- case'instantCollapse':
- if(Rexal.ASVE._collapse) this.updateInstantCollapse();
- break;
- }
- if(this._effectDuration === 0){
- this._effectType = null;
- }
- }
- };
- if(Rexal.ASVE._collapse)
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.isEffecting = function(){
- returnthis._effectType !== null;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.revertToNormal = function(){
- this._shake = 0;
- this.blendMode = 0;
- this.opacity = 255;
- this.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateWhiten = function(){
- var alpha = 128 - (16 - this._effectDuration) * 10;
- this.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, alpha]);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateBlink = function(){
- this.opacity = (this._effectDuration % 10 < 5) ? 255 : 0;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateAppear = function(){
- this.setHome(this._homeX,this._homeY);
- this.opacity = (16 - this._effectDuration) * 16;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateDisappear = function(){
- this.setHome(this._homeX-10,this._homeY);
- this.opacity = 256 - (32 - this._effectDuration) * 10;
- };
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateAppear = function(){
- this.setHome(this._homeX,this._homeY);
- this.opacity = (16 - this._effectDuration) * 16;
- };
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateDisappear = function(){
- this.setHome(this._homeX-10,this._homeY);
- this.opacity = 256 - (32 - this._effectDuration) * 10;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateCollapse = function(){
- this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD;
- this.setBlendColor([255, 128, 128, 128]);
- this.opacity *= this._effectDuration / (this._effectDuration + 1);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateBossCollapse = function(){
- this._shake = this._effectDuration % 2 * 4 - 2;
- this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD;
- this.opacity *= this._effectDuration / (this._effectDuration + 1);
- this.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, 255 - this.opacity]);
- if(this._effectDuration % 20 === 19){
- SoundManager.playBossCollapse2();
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.updateInstantCollapse = function(){
- this.opacity = 0;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.damageOffsetX = function(){
- return0;
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.damageOffsetY = function(){
- return-8;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Spriteset_Battle
- //=============================================================================
- Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createEnemies = function(){
- var enemies = $gameTroop.members();
- var sprites = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++){
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag($dataEnemies[enemies[i]._enemyId]);
- if(Rexal.ASVE._animated)
- {
- sprites[i] = new Sprite_EnemyRex(enemies[i]);
- sprites[i].opacity = 0;
- }
- else
- sprites[i] = new Sprite_Enemy(enemies[i]);
- }
- sprites.sort(this.compareEnemySprite.bind(this));
- for(var j = 0; j < sprites.length; j++){
- this._battleField.addChild(sprites[j]);
- }
- this._enemySprites = sprites;
- };
- // Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateActors = function() {
- // var members = $gameParty.battleMembers();
- // var enemies = $gameTroop.members();
- // for (var i = 0; i < this._enemySprites.length; i++) {
- // this._enemySprites[i].setBattler(enemies[i]);
- // }
- // for (var i = 0; i < this._actorSprites.length; i++) {
- // this._actorSprites[i].setBattler(members[i]);
- // }
- // };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rex Functions
- //=============================================================================
- Rexal.ASVE.processEnemyNoteTag = function(obj){
- Rexal.ASVE._animated = false;
- Rexal.ASVE._motion = 'thrust';
- Rexal.ASVE._weaponID = 0;
- Rexal.ASVE._noBreath = false;
- Rexal.ASVE._float = false;
- Rexal.ASVE._collapse = Rexal.ASVE.DoCollapse;
- Rexal.ASVE._breathX = 5;
- Rexal.ASVE._breathY = 25;
- Rexal.ASVE._breathScale = 50;
- Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale = 1.0;
- if(obj == null)return;
- var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
- for(var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++){
- var line = notedata[i];
- var lines = line.split(': ');
- switch(lines[0]){
- case'[SV Animated]' :
- Rexal.ASVE._animated = true;
- break;
- case'SV Motion' :
- Rexal.ASVE._motion = lines[1].toLowerCase();
- break;
- case'SV Weapon' :
- Rexal.ASVE._weaponID = parseInt(lines[1]);
- break;
- case'[Breathless]' :
- Rexal.ASVE._noBreath = true;
- break;
- case'[Float]' :
- Rexal.ASVE._float = true;
- break;
- case'[Collapse]' :
- Rexal.ASVE._collapse = true;
- break;
- case'[No Collapse]' :
- Rexal.ASVE._collapse = true;
- break;
- case'Breath Control' :
- var lines2 = lines[1].split(',');
- Rexal.ASVE._breathScale = parseInt(lines2[0]);
- Rexal.ASVE._breathX = parseInt(lines2[1]);
- Rexal.ASVE._breathY = parseInt(lines2[2]);
- break;
- case'Enemy Scale' :
- Rexal.ASVE._enemyScale = parseFloat(lines[1]);
- }
- }
- };
JAVASCRIPT 代码 - //=============================================================================
- // AnimatedEnemiesYanflyCompatability.js
- // Version: 1.015a
- //=============================================================================
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.AnimatedSVEnemies.Yanfly = true;
- var Rexal = Rexal || {};
- Rexal.ASVE = Rexal.ASVE || {};
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Version: 1.015
- * - Makes animatedSVEnemies compatible with Yanfly's plugins.
- * @author Rexal
- *
- * @help
- Version Log:
- v1 - Initial Version
- v1.01 - got rid of an unnecessary function.
- v1.011 - Forgot a bracket.
- v1.012b - Should be compatible with the lastest Battle Engine Core.
- v1.013 - fixed floating monsters
- v1.014 - fixed mouse support...but you can't mix up the enemy types.
- v1.015a - Did some cleaning.
- */
- if(Imported.AnimatedSVEnemies){
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Battle Engine Core
- //=============================================================================
- if(Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore)
- {
- Game_Enemy.prototype.spriteWidth = function(){
- if(!this.battler())return1;
- if(Rexal.ASVE._animated && this.battler()._mainSprite){
- returnthis.battler()._mainSprite.width;
- }else{
- returnthis.battler().width;
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.spriteHeight = function(){
- if(!this.battler())return1;
- if(Rexal.ASVE._animated && this.battler()._mainSprite){
- returnthis.battler()._mainSprite.height;
- }else{
- returnthis.battler().height;
- }
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.stepFlinch = function(){
- var flinchX = this.x - this._homeX + Yanfly.Param.BECFlinchDist;
- this.startMove(flinchX, 0, 6);
- };
- Sprite_EnemyRex.prototype.stepForward = function(){
- this.startMove(Yanfly.Param.BECStepDist, 0, 12);
- };
- }
- }
本帖来自P1论坛作者309988769,因Project1站服务器在国外有时候访问缓慢不方便作者交流学习,经联系P1站长fux2同意署名转载一起分享游戏制作经验,共同为国内独立游戏作者共同创造良好交流环境,原文地址: https://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=384994 若有侵权,发帖作者可联系底部站长QQ在线咨询功能删除,谢谢。 |