MV Wednesday Updates!
Community Announcements - Archeia
Hi everyone, we're still sorting through fixes for RPG Maker MV. Right now, investigating people's PC specs is taking us a while but we have it on high priority!
So, what do we do while waiting for the updates? Every Wednesday, we'll be updating everyone with free resources and possibly fixes until they're integrated to the engine!
Parallax Blur Fix
by DEGICA, Kentou
This fixes the blurring for parallax backgrounds if a non-power of 2 parallax image is used.
Parallax Tips
Did you know that adding a ! on the filename of your parallax makes it lock it to the map? Now you don't need a plugin to do that!
Fluid Timestep
by Galenmereth
This makes the game run at normal speed (animation, movement, and anything else) regardless of framerate. By default, MV run on a 144hz monitor would run at 144fps and everything would move at 2,4 times normal speed. Likewise, if someone ran the game and only managed 30fps, everything would move at half normal speed.
Still having troubles with FPS?
If you're using a 4k Television or Monitor try connecting it to the Display Port instead of HDMI. It should run at 60 FPS after that.
Resources Included!
A recreation of our beloved RTP heroes in MV style! Let us thank Caz, Archeia and Thernz for their hard work. Aluxes, Fess and Alexis reporting for duty~
Character Generator Parts
Right now, only Alexis's clothes are available. We'll be providing Aluxes and Fess's outfits really soon! Look at this video for how to install them in your character generator!
Nineteen (19) 32x32 Icons by Ocean's Dream!
We all want some more detailed pixel icons. So let's have some!
Single State Plugin by Yami
This plugin restricts battlers to be affected by only one state.