MV Wednesday Updates Part 3
12月9日 - ARCHEIA
Hi everyone, we're still sorting through fixes for RPG Maker MV. Right now, investigating people's PC specs is taking us a while but we have it on high priority! I would like to thank KisaiTenshi for helping us a lot to determine about the lag issues and the minimum requirements to run MV games properly. You can find Part 1 and Part 2 over here!
So, what do we do while waiting for the updates? Every Wednesday, we'll be updating everyone with free resources and possibly fixes until they're integrated to the engine!
Status Updates about the Fixes
Q.1. I can't play my MV game or I get Actors.json or something like that error!
Answer: It means that your browser doesn't allow you to run local files. Try using Firefox or if you're using Google Chrome, consult this guide
Q.2. When are you updating the core engine with all the bugs?
Answer: It depends which bugs we're talking about. We have provided fixes for main issue errors since Part 1. If you're talking about 'lag' issues then make sure to have sent us the CPU-Z.html file we have requested in an earlier request.
Most computer specifications that was sent so far doesn't meet our standard system requirement or OPENGL and it's a miracle that MV even works on some of these computers. You should have been sent an email to detail your error. If you haven't then make sure to email us. We do have an in-depth report to address the cause of lag in the pipeline as soon as we get the go signal to make it public.
Q.3. Ever since the newest update, I can't make or open new projects anymore
Answer: Our update shouldn't have affected the exe at all. If that was the case, use the beta option to go back to 1.0.0
Dog Barking by Caz
It's alive?!
Eric is back from VXAce Returns! by Caz and Archeia.
Brian from RPG Maker 2000 joins the fray by Thernz
Including generator parts for Brian!
Original Character Armor by Ocean's Dream!
More Generator parts and a sample character by Archeia~
Download Over Here~
A Closing Note!
Everything we provided is free for commercial for KADOKAWA released engines only! Enjoy your week everyone~