我用GPT生成一个密码匹配插件,貌似很规整,但实际用的时候出现错误“Type Error sceneClass is not a constructor”。
//=============================================================================// PasswordInputWindow.js//=============================================================================/*: * @plugindesc Allows you to create a password input window for your game. * @version 1.0.0 * @license MIT * @author Made by Lost * * @help * * This plugin allows you to create a password input window for your game. To use * it, simply call the following function: * * LostPasswordInputManager.showPasswordInput(message, password, callback); * * This will create a new window with the specified message and a password text * input field. The player will need to enter the correct password to proceed. * * The 'password' parameter is a string containing the correct password. If it * is not specified, the default password will be '1234'. * * The 'callback' parameter is a function that will be called if the password is * correct. If it is not specified, the default behavior is to do nothing. * * Example usage: * * LostPasswordInputManager.showPasswordInput('Please enter the password:', * 'password1234', * function() { * console.log('Password is correct!'); * }); */var LostPasswordInputManager = LostPasswordInputManager || {};(function() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_PasswordInput // // The scene class for handling password input. function Scene_PasswordInput() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Scene_PasswordInput.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype); Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.constructor = Scene_PasswordInput; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.initialize = function() { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.create = function() { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.create.call(this); this.createInputField(); this.createMessageWindow(); this.createErrorWindow(); this._inputField.activate(); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.createMessageWindow = function() { this._messageWindow = new Window_Base(0, 0, 400, 120); this._messageWindow.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this._messageWindow.width) / 2; this._messageWindow.y = 100; this._messageWindow.drawText(this.message, 0, 0, this._messageWindow.width, 'center'); this.addChild(this._messageWindow); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.createErrorWindow = function() { this._errorWindow = new Window_Base(0, 0, 400, 60); this._errorWindow.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this._errorWindow.width) / 2; this._errorWindow.y = this._messageWindow.y + this._messageWindow.height; this.addChild(this._errorWindow); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.createInputField = function() { var x = (Graphics.boxWidth - 200) / 2; var y = this._messageWindow.y + this._messageWindow.height + 10; this._inputField = new Window_PasswordInput(x, y, 200); this.addChild(this._inputField); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.update = function() { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._inputField.isValid() && this._inputField.text() === this.password) { this.onPasswordCorrect(); } }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.onPasswordCorrect = function() { if (typeof this.callback === 'function') { this.callback.call(this); } SceneManager.pop(); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.onError = function() { this._inputField.clear(); this._inputField.activate(); this._errorWindow.contents.clear(); this._errorWindow.drawText("Incorrect password entered.", 0, 0, this._errorWindow.width, 'center'); }; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.message = ''; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.password = ''; Scene_PasswordInput.prototype.callback = null; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LostPasswordInputManager // // The main static class for managing password input. LostPasswordInputManager.showPasswordInput = function(message, password, callback) { var scene = new Scene_PasswordInput(); scene.message = message; scene.password = password || '1234'; scene.callback = callback; SceneManager.push(scene); };})();复制代码