- //=============================================================================
- // NovelMessage.js
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Provides the full screen type message window.
- * @author Yoji Ojima, Sasuke KANNAZUKI
- *
- * @param Switch ID
- * @desc The ID of the switch to determine novel mode.
- * @default 11
- *
- * @help
- * Use control character '\F' to page break in novel mode.
- *
- * This plugin does not provide plugin commands.
- */
- /*:ja
- * @plugindesc 全画面型のメッセージウィンドウです。
- * @author Yoji Ojima, 神無月サスケ
- *
- * @param Switch ID
- * @desc ノベルモードにするためのスイッチのIDです。
- * @default 11
- *
- * @help
- * ノベルモードにて改ページをするには、制御文字「\F」を使用してください。
- *
- * このプラグインには、プラグインコマンドはありません。
- */
- (function(){
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('NovelMessage');
- var switchId = Number(parameters['Switch ID'] || 11);
- function isNovelMode(){
- return $gameSwitches.value(switchId);
- };
- var _Window_Message_initMembers = Window_Message.prototype.initMembers;
- Window_Message.prototype.initMembers = function(){
- _Window_Message_initMembers.call(this);
- this._novelLineY = 0;
- this._novelNewPage = true;
- };
- var _Window_Message_updatePlacement =
- Window_Message.prototype.updatePlacement;
- Window_Message.prototype.updatePlacement = function(){
- if(!isNovelMode()){
- this.width = this.windowWidth();
- this.height = this.windowHeight();
- this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2;
- }
- _Window_Message_updatePlacement.call(this);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this.move(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight);
- }
- if(this.contents.height !== this.contentsHeight()){
- this.contents.resize(this.contentsWidth(), this.contentsHeight());
- }
- };
- var _Window_Message_updateBackground =
- Window_Message.prototype.updateBackground;
- Window_Message.prototype.updateBackground = function(){
- _Window_Message_updateBackground.call(this);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this.setBackgroundType(2);
- }
- };
- var _Window_Message_onEndOfText = Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText;
- Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText = function(){
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this.processNewLine(this._textState);
- }
- _Window_Message_onEndOfText.call(this);
- };
- var _Window_Message_startMessage = Window_Message.prototype.startMessage;
- Window_Message.prototype.startMessage = function(){
- _Window_Message_startMessage.call(this);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this._textState.y = this._novelLineY;
- }
- };
- var _Window_Message_newPage = Window_Message.prototype.newPage;
- Window_Message.prototype.newPage = function(textState){
- if(!isNovelMode() || this._novelNewPage){
- _Window_Message_newPage.call(this, textState);
- this._novelLineY = 0;
- this._novelNewPage = false;
- }
- if(isNovelMode()){
- textState.x = this.newLineX();
- textState.left = this.newLineX();
- textState.height = this.calcTextHeight(textState, false);
- this._lineShowFast = false;
- this._pauseSkip = false;
- if(this.needsNewPage(textState)){
- textState.y = this.contents.height;
- this._novelNewPage = true;
- this._textState.index--;
- this.startPause();
- }
- }
- };
- var _Window_Message_processNewLine = Window_Message.prototype.processNewLine;
- Window_Message.prototype.processNewLine = function(textState){
- _Window_Message_processNewLine.call(this, textState);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this._novelLineY = this._textState.y;
- }
- };
- var _Window_Message_processEscapeCharacter =
- Window_Message.prototype.processEscapeCharacter;
- Window_Message.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = function(code, textState){
- if(isNovelMode() && code === 'F'){
- textState.y = this.contents.height;
- this._novelNewPage = true;
- return;
- }
- _Window_Message_processEscapeCharacter.call(this, code, textState);
- };
- var _Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement =
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement;
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement = function(){
- _Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement.call(this);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 8;
- }
- };
- var _Window_NumberInput_updatePlacement =
- Window_NumberInput.prototype.updatePlacement;
- Window_NumberInput.prototype.updatePlacement = function(){
- _Window_NumberInput_updatePlacement.call(this);
- if(isNovelMode()){
- this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 8;
- }
- };
- var _Window_NumberInput_buttonY =
- Window_NumberInput.prototype.buttonY;
- Window_NumberInput.prototype.buttonY = function(){
- if(isNovelMode()){
- return0 - this._buttons[0].height - 8;
- }else{
- return _Window_NumberInput_buttonY.call(this);
- }
- };
- })();
本帖来自P1论坛作者rkjspb,因Project1站服务器在国外有时候访问缓慢不方便作者交流学习,经联系P1站长fux2同意署名转载一起分享游戏制作经验,共同为国内独立游戏作者共同创造良好交流环境,原文地址: https://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=489063 若有侵权,发帖作者可联系底部站长QQ在线咨询功能删除,谢谢。 |