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范例: - module LimBattlePlug# 队伍最大人数MaxPartySize = 8# 出战人数MaxBattlerSize = 1# 换人语句WordChangeBattler = "换人"# 换人时播放的动画AnimationChangeBattler = 26endclass Game_BattleAction attr_accessor :change_to_battler # 初始化 alias lbp_initialize initialize def initialize lbp_initialize @change_to_battler = 0 end # 欲更换角色编号 def set_change_battler @kind = 3 end # 判断行动是否为更换角色 def is_change_battler? return (@kind == 3) endendclass Game_Party include LimBattlePlug attr_reader :actors2 alias lpb_initialize initialize def initialize lpb_initialize @actors2 = [] end # 角色加入 def add_actor(actor_id) actor = $game_actors[actor_id] if @actors.size < MaxPartySize and not @actors.include?(actor) @actors.push(actor) $game_player.refresh end end # 设置战斗的角色 def set_actor_to_battle @actors2 = [] @actors.each do |actor| @actors2.push(actor) end @actors = [] dead_actor = [] @actors2.each do |actor| if !actor.dead? @actors.push(actor) else dead_actor.push(actor) end break if @actors.size == MaxBattlerSize end if @actors.size < MaxBattlerSize for actor in dead_actor @actors.push(actor) break if @actors.size == MaxBattlerSize end end end # 还原战斗的角色 def set_actor_to_normal @actors = [] @actors2.each do |actor| @actors.push(actor) end end # 获取角色id数组 def get_actors_id id = [] @actors.each{|actor|id.push(actor.id)} return id end # 获取角色id数组 def get_actors2_id id = [] @actors2.each{|actor|id.push(actor.id)} return id end # 兑换角色 def change_actor(index,id) @actors[index] = $game_actors[id] end # 全灭判定 def all_dead? # 同伴人数为 0 的情况下 if $game_party.actors.size == 0 return false end # 同伴中无人 HP 在 0 以上 for actor in @actors2 if actor.hp > 0 return false end end for actor in @actors if actor.hp > 0 return false end end # 全灭 return true end # 其他角色 def other_actors actors = [] @actors2.each{|actor|actors.push(actor) if [email protected]?(actor)} return actors end # 角色位置互换 def change_actor_pos(id1,id2) actor_id = [] @actors.each do |actor| actor_id.push(actor.id) end return if !actor_id.include?(id1) and !actor_id.include?(id2) id1_index = id2_index = -1 (0...actor_id.size).each do |i| if actor_id[i] == id1 id1_index = i elsif actor_id[i] == id2 id2_index = i end end temp_actor = @actors[id1_index] @actors[id1_index] = @actors[id2_index] @actors[id2_index] = temp_actor endendclass Window_Actor < Window_Selectable # 初始化 def initialize super(0,64,640,256) self.back_opacity = 160 refresh self.index = -1 self.active = false end # 刷新 def refresh @item_max = $game_party.actors2.size @data = [] $game_party.actors.each do |actor| @data.push(actor) end $game_party.actors2.each do |actor| @data.push(actor) if [email protected]?(actor) end if self.contents != nil self.contents.clear self.contents = nil end self.contents = Bitmap.new(608,@data.size*32) x = 4 y = 0 @data.each do |actor| bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name,actor.character_hue) rect = Rect.new(0,0,bitmap.width/4,31) self.contents.blt(x+16-bitmap.width/8,y,bitmap,rect) draw_actor_name(actor,x+36,y) draw_actor_state(actor,156,y) draw_actor_hp(actor,x+256,y,96) draw_actor_sp(actor,x+376,y,96) if $game_party.actors.include?(actor) self.contents.font.color = text_color(6) cword = "出战" else self.contents.font.color = text_color(0) cword = "待战" end self.contents.draw_text(x+496,y,60,32,cword) y += 32 end end # 获取当前角色编号 def actor_id return @data[self.index].id end # 刷新帮助 def update_help @help_window.set_text(@data[self.index] == nil ?\ "" : @data[self.index].name) endendclass Scene_Battle include LimBattlePlug # 初始化 def initialize $game_party.set_actor_to_battle end # 主处理 def main # 初始化战斗用的各种暂时数据 $game_temp.in_battle = true $game_temp.battle_turn = 0 $game_temp.battle_event_flags.clear $game_temp.battle_abort = false $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # 初始化战斗用事件解释器 $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0) # 准备队伍 @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id $game_troop.setup(@troop_id) # 生成角色命令窗口 s1 = $data_system.words.attack s2 = $data_system.words.skill s3 = $data_system.words.guard s4 = $data_system.words.item s5 = WordChangeBattler @actor_command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4,s5]) @actor_command_window.y = 128 @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160 @actor_command_window.active = false @actor_command_window.visible = false # 生成其它窗口 @party_command_window = Window_PartyCommand.new @help_window = Window_Help.new @help_window.back_opacity = 160 @help_window.visible = false @status_window = Window_BattleStatus.new @message_window = Window_Message.new # 生成活动块 @spriteset = Spriteset_Battle.new # 初始化等待计数 @wait_count = 0 # 执行过渡 if $data_system.battle_transition == "" Graphics.transition(20) else Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" + $data_system.battle_transition) end # 开始自由战斗回合 start_phase1 # 主循环 loop do # 刷新游戏画面 Graphics.update # 刷新输入信息 Input.update # 刷新画面 update # 如果画面切换的话就中断循环 if $scene != self break end end # 刷新地图 $game_map.refresh # 准备过渡 Graphics.freeze # 释放窗口 @actor_command_window.dispose @party_command_window.dispose @help_window.dispose @status_window.dispose @message_window.dispose if @skill_window != nil @skill_window.dispose end if @item_window != nil @item_window.dispose end if @actor_window != nil @actor_window.dispose end if @result_window != nil @result_window.dispose end # 释放活动块 @spriteset.dispose # 标题画面切换中的情况 if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title) # 淡入淡出画面 Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze end # 战斗测试或者游戏结束以外的画面切换中的情况 if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover) $scene = nil end end # 战斗结束 alias lpb_battle_end battle_end def battle_end(n) lpb_battle_end(n) $game_party.set_actor_to_normal end # 开始回合3 alias lbp_start_phase3 start_phase3 def start_phase3 @changed_battler_id = [] lbp_start_phase3 end # 刷新角色命令回合画面 def update_phase3 # 敌人光标有效的情况下 if @enemy_arrow != nil update_phase3_enemy_select # 角色光标有效的情况下 elsif @actor_arrow != nil update_phase3_actor_select # 特技窗口有效的情况下 elsif @skill_window != nil update_phase3_skill_select # 物品窗口有效的情况下 elsif @item_window != nil update_phase3_item_select elsif @actor_window != nil update_phase3_battler_select # 角色指令窗口有效的情况下 elsif @actor_command_window.active update_phase3_basic_command end end # 角色基本命令 def update_phase3_basic_command # 按下 B 键的情况下 if Input.trigger?(Input::B) # 演奏取消 SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # 转向前一个角色的指令输入 phase3_prior_actor return end # 按下 C 键的情况下 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # 角色指令窗口光标位置分之 case @actor_command_window.index when 0 # 攻击 # 演奏确定 SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # 设置行动 @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0 @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0 # 开始选择敌人 start_enemy_select when 1 # 特技 # 演奏确定 SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # 设置行动 @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1 # 开始选择特技 start_skill_select when 2 # 防御 # 演奏确定 SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # 设置行动 @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0 @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1 # 转向下一位角色的指令输入 phase3_next_actor when 3 # 物品 # 演奏确定 SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # 设置行动 @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2 # 开始选择物品 start_item_select when 4 # 换人 $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @active_battler.current_action.set_change_battler start_battler_select end return end end # 开始角色选择 def start_battler_select @actor_window = Window_Actor.new @actor_window.active = true @actor_window.index = 0 @actor_window.help_window = @help_window @actor_command_window.active = false @actor_command_window.visible = false end # 结束角色选择 def end_battler_select @actor_window.dispose @actor_window = nil @help_window.visible = false @actor_command_window.active = true @actor_command_window.visible = true end # 刷新角色选择 def update_phase3_battler_select @actor_window.visible = true @actor_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) end_battler_select return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) actor_id = @actor_window.actor_id if $game_party.get_actors_id.include?(actor_id) or $game_actors[actor_id].dead? or @changed_battler_id.include?(actor_id) $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @active_battler.current_action.change_to_battler = actor_id @changed_battler_id.push(actor_id) end_battler_select phase3_next_actor return end end # 行动方动画 def update_phase4_step3 if @active_battler.current_action.is_change_battler? @animation1_id = AnimationChangeBattler @target_battlers = [] end # 行动方动画 (ID 为 0 的情况下是白色闪烁) if @animation1_id == 0 @active_battler.white_flash = true else @active_battler.animation_id = @animation1_id @active_battler.animation_hit = true end # 移至步骤 4 @phase4_step = 4 end # 对象方动画 def update_phase4_step4 if @active_battler.current_action.is_change_battler? actor1_id = @active_battler.current_action.change_to_battler actor2_id = @active_battler.id (0...$game_party.actors.size).each do |i| if $game_party.actors[i].id == actor2_id $game_party.change_actor(i,actor1_id) @active_battler = $game_actors[actor1_id] @status_window.refresh end end end # 对像方动画 for target in @target_battlers target.animation_id = @animation2_id target.animation_hit = (target.damage != "Miss") end # 限制动画长度、最低 8 帧 @wait_count = 8 # 移至步骤 5 @phase4_step = 5 end # 公共事件 def update_phase4_step6 @target_battlers.each do |target| if target.is_a?(Game_Actor) and target.dead? and !$game_party.other_actors.all?{|actor|actor.dead?} @actor_window = Window_Actor.new @actor_window.index = 0 @actor_window.active = true @actor_window.help_window = @help_window actor_id = -1 loop do Graphics.update Input.update @actor_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::C) actor = $game_actors[@actor_window.actor_id] if actor.dead? or (@changed_battler_id.include?(actor.id) and target.current_action.change_to_battler != actor.id) or $game_party.actors.include?(actor) $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) else actor_id = actor.id end end break if actor_id >= 0 end @actor_window.visible = false @actor_window.dispose @actor_window = nil @help_window.visible = false (0...$game_party.actors.size).each do |i| if $game_party.actors[i].id == target.id $game_party.change_actor(i,actor_id) @status_window.refresh end end end end # 清除强制行动对像的战斗者 $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # 公共事件 ID 有效的情况下 if @common_event_id > 0 # 设置事件 common_event = $data_common_events[@common_event_id] $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0) end # 移至步骤 1 @phase4_step = 1 endendclass Window_MenuStatus def refresh self.contents.clear @item_max = $game_party.actors.size for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size x = 4 y = i * 32 actor = $game_party.actors[i] bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name,actor.character_hue) rect = Rect.new(0,0,bitmap.width/4,31) self.contents.blt(x+16-bitmap.width/8,y,bitmap,rect) draw_actor_name(actor, x+36, y) draw_actor_state(actor, x + 136,y) draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 236, y,96) draw_actor_sp(actor, x + 336, y,96) end end def update_cursor_rect super endend复制代码
复制代码 本帖来自P1论坛作者enghao_lim,因Project1站服务器在国外有时候访问缓慢不方便作者交流学习,经联系P1站长fux2同意署名转载一起分享游戏制作经验,共同为国内独立游戏作者共同创造良好交流环境,原文地址: https://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=163143 若有侵权,发帖作者可联系底部站长QQ在线咨询功能删除,谢谢。 |
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