
// AndrewX - Automatic Battle Camera
// AndrewX_AutomaticBattleCamera.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
var AndrewX = AndrewX || {};
AndrewX.ABC = AndrewX.ABC || {};
* @plugindesc v0.10 Automatic focus camera on target in battle.
* @author AndrewX
* @param Camera Frame Speed
* @desc 镜头帧速,数字越小越快。默认10
* @default 10
* @param Zoom In Rate
* @desc 镜头放大率。正常大小1.0,默认放大到1.1
* @default 1.1
* @param Zoom Out Rate
* @desc 镜头拉远率,用于全屏动画。正常大小1.0,默认缩小到0.9
* @default 0.9
* @param Battleback Zoom Rate
* @desc 背景增大率,避免默认素材背景在镜头移动后出现黑边所做的处理。默认1.3
* @default 1.3
* @param Scale Battleback
* @desc 战斗背景适应窗口。0: 不拉伸; 1: 仅在战斗背景小于屏幕尺寸时拉伸,2: 总是适应窗口。默认1
* @default 1
* @param Zoom When Selecting
* @desc 是否在选择目标时聚焦。true: 聚焦; false: 不聚焦。默认false
* @default false
* @param Depth Sacle Rate
* @desc 敌人近大远小比例,填入由空格分隔的两个小数,分别为最远(上)处比例和最近(下)处比例。默认0.5 1.2。不使用此功能则留空
* @default 0.5 1.2
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction and Instructions
* ============================================================================
* 本插件实现纵版战斗镜头自动推进和拉远的效果。
* 仅适用于纵版战斗。
* Credit: 本插件思路来自芙蕾娅的VA脚本:
http://rpg.blue/home.php?mod=spa ... o=blog&id=13408
* 加入选择目标时镜头跟随,战斗背景自适应,敌人近大远小功能。
* 修正了动画位置跟随和伤害跳字跟随的问题。
* 并且兼容Yanfly的战斗血条插件,兼容YEP_CoreEngine.js选中敌人不闪烁功能。
* 动画名称标签:
* 如果动画名称中包含“”(包括尖括号,必须大写),则该动画播放不会引发
* 镜头效果。
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 0.20:
* - New: Add in name of animations to disable camera movement for
* these animations
* - Modified: Zoom When Selecting parameter is set false as default now
* - Minor bug fix
* Version 0.10:
* - Finished prototype
* ============================================================================
* Term of Use
* ============================================================================
* Free for use in non-commercial or commercial RMMV projects
* Please credit AndrewX & 芙蕾娅
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('AndrewX_AutomaticBattleCamera');
var cameraFrameSpeed = Number(parameters['Camera Frame Speed'] || 10);
var zoomIn = Number(parameters['Zoom In Rate'] || 1.1);
var zoomOut = Number(parameters['Zoom Out Rate'] || 0.9);
var battlebackZoom = Number(parameters['Battleback Zoom Rate'] || 1.3);
var scaleBattlebcak = Number(parameters['Scale Battleback'] || 1);
var zoomSelect = parameters['Zoom When Selecting'] || "false"
var depthScaleRate = (parameters['Depth Sacle Rate'] || "1.0 1.0").split(" ");
depthScaleRate = (depthScaleRate.length < 2) ? [1, 1] : depthScaleRate;
for(var i = 0; i < depthScaleRate.length; i++){
= Number(depthScaleRate);
depthScaleRate = (depthScaleRate === 0) ? 1 : depthScaleRate;
function Battle_Camera(){
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Battle_Camera.prototype.initialize = function(){
this.x = Graphics.width / 2;
this.y = Graphics.height / 2;
this.newX = Graphics.width / 2;
this.newY = Graphics.height / 2;
this.centerWidth = Graphics.width / 2;
this.centerHeight = Graphics.height / 2;
this.zoom = 1.0;
this.newZoom = 1.0;
this.frameSpeed = cameraFrameSpeed;
this.back1OriginalX = 0;
this.back1OriginalY = 0;
this.back2OriginalX = 0;
this.back2OriginalY = 0;
Battle_Camera.prototype.resetFrameSpeed = function(){
this.frameSpeed = cameraFrameSpeed;
Battle_Camera.prototype.focusOn = function(target, zoom, speed){
this.newX = target.screenX();
var yOffset = 0;
var enemySprites = BattleManager._spriteset._enemySprites;
for(var i = 0; i < enemySprites.length; i++){
var sprite = enemySprites;
if(target === sprite._battler){
yOffset = sprite.height / 2;
var statusWindowHeight = 0;
if(typeof SceneManager._scene._statusWindow !== "undefined"){
statusWindowHeight = SceneManager._scene._statusWindow.height
this.newY = target.screenY() - yOffset + statusWindowHeight / 2; //调节基准点
if(!(typeof zoom === "undefined")){
this.newZoom = zoom;
if(!(typeof speed === "undefined")){
this.frameSpeed = speed;
Battle_Camera.prototype.center = function(zoom){
this.newX = this.centerWidth;
this.newY = this.centerHeight;
if(!(zoom === undefined)){
this.newZoom = zoom;
this.newZoom = 1.0;
Battle_Camera.prototype.battlerX = function(battler){
var distance = battler.screenX() - this.x;
var value = distance * (this.zoom - 1.0);
var pos = battler.screenX() - (this.x - this.centerWidth);
return pos + value;
Battle_Camera.prototype.battlerY = function(battler){
var distance = battler.screenY() - this.y;
var value = distance * (this.zoom - 1.0);
var pos = battler.screenY() - (this.y - this.centerHeight);
return pos + value;
Battle_Camera.prototype.update = function(){
if(this.x != this.newX){
this.x = (this.newX - this.x > 0) ?
Math.min(this.x + this.moveSpeedX(), this.newX) :
Math.max(this.x - this.moveSpeedX(), this.newX);
if(this.y != this.newY){
this.y = (this.newY - this.y > 0) ?
Math.min(this.y + this.moveSpeedY(), this.newY) :
Math.max(this.y - this.moveSpeedY(), this.newY);
if(this.zoom != this.newZoom){
this.zoom = (this.newZoom - this.zoom > 0) ?
Math.min(this.zoom + this.zoomSpeed(), this.newZoom) :
Math.max(this.zoom - this.zoomSpeed(), this.newZoom);
Battle_Camera.prototype.distanceX = function(){
return Math.abs(this.x - this.newX);
Battle_Camera.prototype.distanceY = function(){
return Math.abs(this.y - this.newY);
Battle_Camera.prototype.distanceZoom = function(){
return Math.abs(this.zoom - this.newZoom);
Battle_Camera.prototype.moveSpeedX = function(){
return Math.max(Math.floor(this.distanceX() / this.frameSpeed), 1);
Battle_Camera.prototype.moveSpeedY = function(){
return Math.max(Math.floor(this.distanceY() / this.frameSpeed), 1);
Battle_Camera.prototype.zoomSpeed = function(){
return Math.max(this.distanceZoom() / this.frameSpeed, 0.001);
AndrewX.ABC.updateCellSprite = Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite;
Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite = function(sprite, cell){
var pattern = cell[0];
if(pattern >= 0){
var sx = pattern % 5 * 192;
var sy = Math.floor(pattern % 100 / 5) * 192;
var mirror = this._mirror;
sprite.bitmap = pattern < 100 ? this._bitmap1 : this._bitmap2;
sprite.setFrame(sx, sy, 192, 192);
sprite.x = cell[1];
sprite.y = cell[2];
sprite.x *= -1;
if(typeof BattleManager._spriteset === "undefined"){
var zoom = 1
var zoom = BattleManager._spriteset.battleCamera.zoom;
sprite.rotation = cell[4] * Math.PI / 180;
sprite.scale.x = cell[3] / 100 * zoom; //here
if((cell[5] && !mirror) || (!cell[5] && mirror)){
sprite.scale.x *= -1;
sprite.scale.y = cell[3] / 100 * zoom; //here
sprite.opacity = cell[6];
sprite.blendMode = cell[7];
sprite.visible = this._target.visible;
sprite.visible = false;
AndrewX.ABC.spritesetBattleInitialize = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.initialize;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.initialize = function(){
this.battleCamera = new Battle_Camera();
AndrewX.ABC.spritesetBattleUpdate = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.update;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.update = function(){
AndrewX.ABC.locateBattleback = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.locateBattleback;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.locateBattleback = function(){
var width = this._battleField.width;
var height = this._battleField.height;
var sprite1 = this._back1Sprite;
var sprite2 = this._back2Sprite;
sprite1.origin.x = 0;
sprite2.origin.x = 0;
sprite1.origin.y = 0;
sprite2.origin.y = 0;
sprite1.anchor.x = 0.5;
sprite1.anchor.y = 0.5;
sprite2.anchor.x = 0.5;
sprite2.anchor.y = 0.5;
var x = this._battleField.width / 2;
var y = this._battleField.height / 2;
sprite1.move(x, y, sprite1.bitmap.width, sprite1.bitmap.height);
sprite2.move(x, y, sprite2.bitmap.width, sprite2.bitmap.height);
this.battleCamera.back1OriginalX = this._back1Sprite.x;
this.battleCamera.back1OriginalY = this._back1Sprite.y;
this.battleCamera.back2OriginalX = this._back2Sprite.x;
this.battleCamera.back2OriginalY = this._back2Sprite.y;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateBattlebackPosition = function(){
var zoom = this.battleCamera.zoom * battlebackZoom;
var sprite1 = this._back1Sprite;
var sprite2 = this._back2Sprite;
var back1ScaleX = 1;
var back2ScaleX = 1;
var back1ScaleY = 1;
var back2ScaleY = 1;
if(scaleBattlebcak === 1){