/*: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @title mapDamagePopup @author gonglinyuan @version 0.1.0 @date 2016-04-19 @filename Util_MapDamagePopup.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @plugindesc pop up damage on map characters @help You can invoke the mapDamagePopup with the following pluginCommand: mapDamagePopup [isCritical?] : Number of character on a map to show the damage. A positive number indicates an event number. 0 indicates the current event. -1 indicates the player. -2,-3,-4,... indicates followers. : Number of rows in "System/Damage.png". Numbered form 0 to 4. Row 4 indicates "Miss". : Value of damage. It is supposed to be above 0. (If it is negative, it might make the row to increase 1 according to the implementation of "createDigits" method.) [isCritical?]: Whether it is critical damage or not. "true" indicates it is critical, otherwise not. */ (function(){ var _Sprite_Character_initMembers = Sprite_Character.prototype.initMembers; Sprite_Character.prototype.initMembers = function(){ _Sprite_Character_initMembers.call(this); this._damages = []; }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateDamagePopup = Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateDamagePopup; Sprite_Character.prototype.setupDamagePopup = function(){ if(this._character._spriteDamage){ this._character._spriteDamage.x = this.x; this._character._spriteDamage.y = this.y; this._character._spriteDamage.z = this.z + 1; this._damages.push(this._character._spriteDamage); this.parent.addChild(this._character._spriteDamage); this._character._spriteDamage = null; } }; var _Sprite_Character_update = Sprite_Character.prototype.update; Sprite_Character.prototype.update = function(){ _Sprite_Character_update.call(this); this.updateDamagePopup(); }; var _Game_Character_initMembers = Game_Character.prototype.initMembers; Game_Character.prototype.initMembers = function(){ _Game_Character_initMembers.call(this); this._spriteDamage = null; }; var getTarget = function(target){ if(target < -1){ return $gamePlayer.followers().follower(-target - 2); }elseif(target == -1){ return $gamePlayer; }elseif(target == 0){ return $gameMap.event(this.eventId()); }elseif(target > 0){ return $gameMap.event(target); } } var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args){ _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args); if(command == "mapDamagePopup"){ var target = getTarget.call(this, Number(args[0])); var row = Number(args[1]); var value = Number(args[2]); var sprite = new Sprite_Damage(); if(row < 4){ sprite.createDigits(row, value); }else{ sprite.createMiss(); } if(args[3] === "true"){ sprite.setupCriticalEffect(); } console.log(target, row, value, sprite); target._spriteDamage = sprite; } }; })(); 复制代码
例子:给角色回复50点生命值——(插件指令)mapDamagePopup -1 1 50
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