脚本: #==========================================================================##-------------------------脚本名称:带CT的奔跑系统-------------------------# #-----------------------------作者:纸飞机哟-------------------------------##==========================================================================# #==系统相关设定== # 标有【*不可调】的请勿改动# -控制开关Speed_id = 2 # 开启速度影响的开关Speed_fastspeed_id = 3 # 开启奔跑系统的开关Speed_update = 4 # 开启刷新奔跑速度的开关Speed_s = 5 # 开启CT的开关 # -奔跑耐力Speed_ct_va = 2 # 奔跑耐力的变量Speed_ct_best = 3 # 奔跑耐力上限的变量Speed_ct_out = 6 # 当疲累时开启的开关$Speed_ct_m = 0 # CT的模式【1:加CT 2:减CT】*不可调$Speed_ct_t = 100 # CT刷新的等待时间 # -奔跑速度Speed_fastsname = "-跑步" # 奔跑时行走图添加的名称$Speed_move = 3 # 正常移动速度$Speed_bestmove = 4.5 # 全速奔跑的速度$Speed_i = Input::A # 按这个按键加速Speed_movep = 1/4 # 跑累时的速度【全速*减化比例+正常】$Speed_a = 1 # 现在的行走状态【1:行走 2:奔跑 3:疲惫】*不可调$Speed_s2 = 1 # 现在的行走状态2 *不可调 #================class Game_Player#--------------------------------------------------------------------------# ● 更新#--------------------------------------------------------------------------alias old_update updatedef update # def if $game_switches == true # 如果开启速度影响 if $game_switches == true # 如果奔跑系统开启 unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing # 如果不在事件中 $game_switches = true if $game_variables0 if $game_player.moving? # 如果移动中 ifInput.press?($Speed_i) # 如果按下Z键 unless Input.press?(Input::UP) and Input.press?(Input::DOWN) or Input.press?(Input::LEFT) and Input.press?(Input::RIGHT) # 如果不同时按下相反键 speed_v_update if @move_speed != $Speed_bestmove # 如果速度≠奔跑速度 if $game_switches == true # 如果疲劳 $Speed_a = 3 else $Speed_a = 2 end # 如果疲劳 speed_character_update end # 如果速度≠奔跑速度 else # 如果按下Z键 if @move_speed != $Speed_move # 如果速度≠正常速度 $Speed_a = 1 speed_character_update end # 如果速度≠正常速度 end# 如果按下Z键 else #if @move_speed != $Speed_move # 如果速度≠正常速度 $Speed_a = 1 speed_character_update # end end # 如果移动中 end end # 如果不在事件中 old_update unless moving? # 如果不在移动中 speed_v_update if @move_speed != $Speed_move # 如果速度≠正常速度 $Speed_a = 1 speed_character_update end # 如果速度≠正常速度 end # 如果不在移动中 speed_cttime if $game_switches == true end # 如果开启事件影响 end end # defdef speed_character_update # def 行走图、速度刷新 if$Speed_a == 2 if $Speed_a2 != 2 @move_speed = $Speed_bestmove if $Speed_a == 2 and @move_speed != $Speed_bestmove @character_name_run = @character_name @character_name = @character_name + "-跑步" $Speed_a2 = 2 endelsif $Speed_a == 1 if $Speed_a2 != 1 @move_speed = $Speed_move if $Speed_a == 1 and @move_speed != $Speed_move @character_name = @character_name_run unless @character_name_run == nil $Speed_a2 = 1endelsif $Speed_a == 3 if $Speed_a2 != 3 @move_speed = $Speed_bestmove*Speed_movep+$Speed_move if $Speed_a == 3 and @move_speed != $Speed_bestmove*Speed_movep+$Speed_move $Speed_a2 = 3 end endend # def 行走图、速度刷新 def speed_v_update # def 速度变量检测 $Speed_move = 3 if $Speed_move == nil or $Speed_move == 0 $Speed_bestmove = 4.5 if $Speed_bestmove == nil or $Speed_bestmove == 0end # def 速度变量检测 def speed_cttime # def CT刷新 @count = 0 if @count == nil @count += 1 if @count > $Speed_ct_t $game_variables -= 2 if $Speed_a == 2 $game_variables += 1 if $Speed_a == 1 p $Speed_a if $game_variables == 0 $game_variables = 0 if $game_variables < 0 $game_variables = $game_variables if $game_variables > $game_variables @count = 0 endend # def CT刷新end 复制代码