输入法名称输入脚本:=begin【输入法名称输入】 by enghao_lim(小lim)Blog:http://www.lim-space.tk/论坛:http://www.our-story.tk/=================================================01. 增加姓名可以输入的可能性,采用汉语拼音方式,让华语和英语更好的结合。02. 采用了字库的配合,有兴趣者既可扩展该字库,相信必能更加完善。03. 目前之真对单字开发,不支持词语输入04. 不支持多音多字,比如:重,如在chong里搜索不到,请重试zhong。05. 此脚本需要与修改后的全键盘脚本一起使用。06. 此脚本还需要外带字库,默认名字为:CnWordCabin.fonc。 记得将字库放在工程文件夹底下。=================================================*PS: 由于次脚本所用的文字库非常乱起八糟,具体只是根据阴阳上去来排列, 所以有些常用字可能还被排在了后头,比如说“是”。 如有谁愿意继续开发该字库或者帮忙重新排列,请联络我。 稍微小小的补充,次字库包含超过两万个中文字。=endmodule LIM_INPUT # 代替空格的符号设置Space_replace = ""endclass Window_Input < Window_Base#------------------------------# 【初始化】#------------------------------def initialize super(0,128,640,96) self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32) self.back_opacity = self.opacity = 0 @old_text = nil @text_length = 0end#------------------------------# 【显示文字】#------------------------------def set_text(*arg) # 获取显示的文字 if (arg.is_a?(Integer)) x = arg c = 6 text = arg else x = 0 c = 0 text = arg end x += 48 # 开始显示 if @old_text != text self.contents.clear self.contents.font.color = text_color(c) self.contents.draw_text(x,16,width-32,32,text.gsub(/ /){LIM_INPUT::Space_replace}) @old_text = text @text_length = self.contents.text_size(text.gsub(/ /){LIM_INPUT::Space_replace}).width endend#------------------------------# 【获取文字的长度】#------------------------------def text_length return @text_lengthendendclass Window_Word < Window_Base#------------------------------# 【初始化】#------------------------------def initialize super(0,224,640,96) self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32) @old_word = []end#------------------------------# 【显示文字选项】#------------------------------def set_text(word_array) if @old_word != word_array x = 0 bitmap = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32) for i in 0...word_array.size k = (i+1)%10 bitmap.draw_text(x,0,22,32,k.to_s,1) bitmap.draw_text(x,32,22,32,word_array,1) x += 22 x += 22 if (i != word_array.size - 1) end self.contents.clear _x = (width-32-x)/2 self.contents.blt(_x,0,bitmap,Rect.new(0,0,x,64)) @old_word = word_array endendendclass Window_Name < Window_Base#------------------------------# 【初始化】#------------------------------def initialize(actor) super(0,96,640,128) self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32) @actor = actor refreshend#------------------------------# 【显示图片】#------------------------------def refresh self.contents.draw_text(4,0,width-32,32,"请输入新的名字:") draw_actor_graphic(@actor,24,88)endendclass Scene_Name#------------------------------# 【主循环】#------------------------------def main # 获取角色 与 各种变量设置 @actor = $game_actors[$game_temp.name_actor_id] @max_word = $game_temp.name_max_char @inputed = @actor.name @now_input = "" @old_now_input = "" @old_key = "" @now_index = 0 @wait_count = 0 # 读取字库 word_cabin = File.open("CnWordCabin.fonc","rb") @cn_key = Marshal.load(word_cabin) @cn_word = Marshal.load(word_cabin) # 生成各种窗口 @window_name = Window_Name.new(@actor) @window_input = Window_Input.new @window_input2 = Window_Input.new @window_word = Window_Word.new @window_word.visible = false @window_count = Window_Help.new @window_count.y = 416 @window_count.back_opacity = @window_count.opacity = 0 reset_text @command_help = Window_Base.new(64,128,512,64) @command_help.contents = Bitmap.new(480,32) @command_help.contents.draw_text(0,0,480,32,"确定输入完毕?",1) @command_help.visible = false @command_exit = Window_Command.new(160,["是","否"]) @command_exit.x = 240 @command_exit.y = 196 @command_exit.active = @command_exit.visible = false Graphics.transition(20) # 开始循环 loop do Graphics.update Input.update update break if $scene != self end # 释放 @window_name.dispose @window_input.dispose @window_input2.dispose @window_word.dispose @window_count.dispose @command_help.dispose @command_exit.disposeend#------------------------------# 【循环刷新】#------------------------------def update # 各种刷新 @window_name.update @window_input.update @window_input2.update @window_word.update @window_count.update @command_help.update @command_exit.update # 是否正在选取文字 if @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x31) # Number 1 choose_the_word(1) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x32) # Number 2 choose_the_word(2) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x33) # Number 3 choose_the_word(3) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x34) # Number 4 choose_the_word(4) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x35) # Number 5 choose_the_word(5) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x36) # Number 6 choose_the_word(6) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x37) # Number 7 choose_the_word(7) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x38) # Number 8 choose_the_word(8) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x39) # Number 9 choose_the_word(9) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(0x30) # Number 0 choose_the_word(10) Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(187) # Key + if @now_index + 10 < @cn_word[@now_input].size Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/046-Book01") @now_index += 10 show_match_word(@now_input) else $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) end Key.get_string elsif @window_word.visible and Key.trigger?(189) # Key - if @now_index - 10 >= 0 Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/046-Book01") @now_index -= 10 show_match_word(@now_input) else $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) end Key.get_string @wait_count = 4 end # 文字输入刷新 @now_input += Key.get_string @window_input2.set_text(@window_input.text_length,@now_input) # 出声音,可以无视…… if @now_input != @old_now_input $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) @old_now_input = @now_input end # 判断匹配拼音 if @cn_key.include?(@now_input) show_match_word(@now_input) @window_word.visible = true else @window_word.visible = false end # 各种情况刷新 if @wait_count > 0 @wait_count -= 1 return elsif @command_exit.active command_exit_update elsif Key.trigger?(13) # Enter enter_trigger_update elsif Key.trigger?(8) or Key.press?(8) # Backspace return if (@now_input == "" and @inputed == "") backspace_trigger_update endend#------------------------------# 【询问退出刷新】#------------------------------def command_exit_update if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @command_exit.index when 0 $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @actor.name = @inputed $scene = Scene_Map.new when 1 command_exit_activated?(false) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) end end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) command_exit_activated?(false) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) endend#------------------------------# 【确定输入的文字】#------------------------------def enter_trigger_update # 还在输入的情况 if @now_input != "" temp = @now_input.scan(/./) for char in temp if @inputed.scan(/./).size >= @max_word $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) break end @inputed += char end @now_input = "" reset_text # 没有输入的情况 else $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) command_exit_activated?(true) endend#------------------------------# 【确定输入的文字】#------------------------------def backspace_trigger_update if @now_input != "" temp = @now_input.scan(/./) @now_input = "" for i in 0...temp.size-1 @now_input += temp end else temp = @inputed.scan(/./) @inputed = "" for i in 0...temp.size-1 @inputed += temp end end $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) @wait_count = 2 reset_textend#------------------------------# 【重新显示文字】#------------------------------def reset_text @window_input.set_text(@inputed) @window_input2.set_text(@window_input.text_length,@now_input) @window_count.set_text("还有 #{@(/./).size} 字可以输入",2)end#------------------------------# 【匹配文字显示】#------------------------------def show_match_word(key) if @old_key != key @now_index = 0 @old_key = key end max = [@cn_word.size-@now_index,10].min word_array = [] for i in 0...max k = i + @now_index word_array.push(@cn_word) end @window_word.set_text(word_array)end#------------------------------# 【选择的文字】#------------------------------def choose_the_word(n) n -= 1 char = @cn_word[@now_input][@now_index+n] if @inputed.scan(/./).size == @max_word or char.nil? $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @inputed += char @now_input = "" reset_textend#------------------------------# 【激活退出选项】#------------------------------def command_exit_activated?(bool) @window_name.visible = !bool @window_input.visible = !bool @window_input2.visible = !bool @window_count.visible = !bool @command_help.visible = bool @command_exit.visible = bool @command_exit.active = boolendend复制代码修改后的全键盘脚本(来自engshun):module Key@key_code = {# ============================="BACK"=> 0x08,"TAB"=> 0x09,"SHIFT"=> 0x10,"ALT"=> 0x12,"CAP"=> 0x14,"ESC"=> 0x1B,"SPACE"=> 0x20,"LEFT"=> 0x25,"UP"=> 0x26,"RIGHT"=> 0x27,"DOWN"=> 0x28,"ENTER" => 13,"LCTRL" => 0xA2,"RCTRL" => 0xA3,"LALT" => 0xA4,"RALT" => 0xA5,"SPACE" => 0x20,"DEL" => 0x2E,# ============================="A" => 0x41,"B" => 0x42,"C" => 0x43,"D" => 0x44,"E" => 0x45,"F" => 0x46,"G" => 0x47,"H" => 0x48,"I" => 0x49,"J" => 0x4A,"K" => 0x4B,"L" => 0x4C,"M" => 0x4D,"N" => 0x4E,"O" => 0x4F,"P" => 0x50,"Q" => 0x51,"R" => 0x52,"S" => 0x53,"T" => 0x54,"U" => 0x55,"V" => 0x56,"W" => 0x57,"X" => 0x58,"Y" => 0x59,"Z" => 0x5A,# ============================="F1"=> 0x70,"F2"=> 0x71,"F3"=> 0x72,"F4"=> 0x73,"F5"=> 0x74,"F6"=> 0x75,"F7"=> 0x76,"F8"=> 0x77,"F9"=> 0x78,"F10" => 0x79,"F11" => 0x7A,"F12" => 0x7B,# ============================="0" => 0x30,"1" => 0x31,"2" => 0x32,"3" => 0x33,"4" => 0x34,"5" => 0x35,"6" => 0x36,"7" => 0x37,"8" => 0x38,"9" => 0x39,# =============================";"=> 186,"="=> 187,","=> 188,"-"=> 189,"."=> 190,"/"=> 191,"["=> 219,"\\" => 220,"]"=> 221,"'"=> 222,# ============================="N0" => 0x60,"N1" => 0x61,"N2" => 0x62,"N3" => 0x63,"N4" => 0x64,"N5" => 0x65,"N6" => 0x66,"N7" => 0x67,"N8" => 0x68,"N9" => 0x69}@upcase = {48=> ")",49=> "!",50=> "@",51=> "#",52=> "$",53=> "%",54=> "^",55=> "&",56=> "*",57=> "(",186 => ":",187 => "+",188 => "",191 => "?",219 => "{",220 => "|",221 => "}",222 => '"'}module_function@R_Key_Hash = {}@trigger = {}@R_Key_Repeat = {}@press_key = GetKeyState = Win32API.new("user32","GetAsyncKeyState",['I'],'I')def update @key_code.each_value do |i| result = GetKeyState.call(i) if @R_Key_Hash == 1 and result != 0 @trigger = false next end if result != 0 @R_Key_Hash = 1 @trigger = true next else @R_Key_Hash = 0 @trigger = false next end end if @press_key > 0 @press_key -= 1 unlash if @press_key == 0 endenddef press?(rkey) return GetKeyState.call(rkey) != 0enddef repeat?(rkey) result = GetKeyState.call(rkey) if result != 0 if @R_Key_Repeat.nil? @R_Key_Repeat = 0 return true end @R_Key_Repeat += 1 else @R_Key_Repeat = nil @R_Key_Hash = 0 end if !@R_Key_Repeat.nil? and @R_Key_Repeat > 10 @R_Key_Repeat = 6 return true else return false endenddef trigger?(rkey) return @triggerenddef [](key) return @key_codeenddef caps? gks = Win32API.new("user32", "GetKeyState", 'i', 'i') result = gks.call(0x14) return result == 1end#===================================================================def get_string n = nil str = nil @key_code.each_value do |i| n = i if repeat?(i) and i != 16 and i != 13 and i != 8 end if n != nil str = @key_code.index(n) unless self.caps? str = str.downcase unless Key.press?(16) else str = str.downcase if Key.press?(16) end str = nil if str.scan(/./).size != 1 if self.press?(16) and @upcase.include?(n) str = @upcase end str = (n - 96).to_s if n.between?(96,105) end str = " " if n == 0x20 str = "" if n == 0x09 return str.to_send#===================================================================endmodule Input@self_update = method('update') if @self_update.nil?def self.update @self_update.call Key.updateendend复制代码